The Ribs Course

With this Violin Ribs Construction Course, you will learn how to build your own violin ribs.

Watch the 20 Minute videos one by one and put what you have seen in reality. Listen to the precious advice from Master Edgar Russ and watch him while he is doing it. What he makes in one or two hours is possible for everybody to be made.

You will experience an entirely new way of satisfaction after every day you work on your self-made violin. A huge gratification for every student of this Course.

Preview three lessons for free!

Edgar's Online Violinmaking Academy

Shaping the Blocks

Making your ribs with the teaching of Edgar Russ will be a great pleasure. The perfect shape of the blocks is fundamental for a nice violin.

Edgar explains in this course even small detail.

Edgar's Online Violinmaking Academy

Bending the Ribs

The fact that Edgar remembers exactly all the difficulties he faced when learning this trade, made him become one of the best violinmaking teachers you can find. Here he makes the entire ribs for a violin and while he is bending the ribs he tells you all his tips and tricks how to proceed in the best way.

Edgar's Online Violinmaking Academy

Glueing the Ribs

Perfect sis are the best starting for a great sounding violin. And the right how to glue all parts of the ribs are crucial for a great result.

You will be surprised what you are able to make all by yourself with a great Master on your side.

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